Arrow Health - Detox & Rehabilitation Programs Melbourne

Forensic Services

Reputable addiction treatment provider. Proven, positive record in the Courts.
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Get The Treatment You Deserve

“My son’s in prison. He shouldn’t be there. We need to get him help. A lawyer has suggested we contact you. He needs rehab.”

We work closely with lawyers to give clients the best chance at a positive case outcome.

We travel to the client: to facilitate the process, Arrow Health clinicians will travel to the client and complete a forensic assessment onsite.
We have a good reputation with the Courts and sound practises and policies regarding reporting and undertakings made to the Court..
We meet all reporting and documentation requirements:

  • Comprehensive Court reports
  • Treatment reports
  • Letters of attendance
  • Clinician Court appearances
We facilitate the fulfilment of court orders : enabling lawyers to secure the best possible bail conditions as an alternative to incarceration.

What is involved in treatment?

Arrow Health programs address the clinical elements of addiction through one-on-one and group therapy, counselling, education and self-development to ensure clients have the best opportunity to achieve long-term recovery.

Fusing the medical model of addiction treatment with therapeutic behaviour change therapies ensures clients obtain real, long-lasting outcomes.
Individuals are engaged through a multifaceted, evidence-based program, delivered in a therapeutic community.

Family support and education is an important aspect of our approach. We care about both the individual struggling with addiction and those who support them.

Arrow Health offers a range of treatment programs and services.

Qualified assessors, therapists and doctors develop contemporary, individualised treatment plans. Plans are implemented, monitored, and continuously tailored to meet the client’s presenting needs and issues.

The therapeutic relationship with clients is ongoing. The Aftercare program, supported accommodation and continued support for the family are offered to all clients.

Online Outpatient Program

Our outpatient program is available online for people in prison.
This is an 12 day program specifically designed for people with substance abuse issues who are unable to attend inpatient treatment services.


Are you concerned about yourself or someone you love? Would you like to chat with someone about addiction?

Register for a free 20 minute phone consultation with one of our friendly clinicians.

“Arrow didn’t care that I was in custody when my wife first approached them. They told us that it didn’t matter how I came to rehab, as long as I got there. And it was the support and structure provided by the Arrow program that directed me onto my path of recovery. Doing the Arrow program taught me a lot about the disease of addiction and everything that comes with it. Arrow introduced me to group therapy and counselling. I have learned to prioritise my recovery every day. I have been able to reconnect with my family and develop new friendship groups with people that are supportive and experiencing the same things as me. I am 6 months clean and most importantly have the tools in place to manage my recovery and finally get my life back on track.”

Former Client