Our Story
We know how to help because we have been where you are.

Our Sam had a twelve year struggle with addiction which permeated every facet of our family’s life. This was an extremely hard time for us and, despite meeting many extraordinary people along the journey, the resources available to us were deficient.
Our personal struggle and the medical background of several family members made us feel that we were in a unique position to develop a state of the art program for treating addiction. We recognise how tough dealing with addiction can be and wanted to give purpose to our own personal experience and provide hope for those on a similar journey.
Arrow Health aims to provide hope and find solutions for those affected by this misunderstood disease and importantly support those whose loved ones are struggling regardless of whether or not the loved one is in our care. Arrow Health has grown and evolved over the last six years and now includes an accredited private hospital.
In May 2015 Sam passed away. Although not drug related, his passing has allowed for the Arrow story to become stronger. Sam was passionate about recovery and was a true testament to it. He had an infectious personality and had a positive impact on all who encountered him.
Despite being sorely missed by all the Arrow Health staff and clients alike, his legacy lives on.

Sam Lawrence