However, there are a few things that you can do to help you feel more alert, take care of yourself and support you to feel better the next day. If alcohol is a problem for you, there are also some steps you can take to either stop or avoid drinking.
Ways to feel better the next day.
Have a cup of coffee
Caffeine can help with feeling more alert, but it doesn’t help break down the alcohol in your system. Although you might feel alert and a bit more sober after a cup of coffee, depending on the time since your last drink and how much you drank, you may still be intoxicated and impaired.
Eat something
Eating can help with slowing the absorption rate of alcohol into the bloodstream. Having a bite to eat before you start drinking is a good idea; so is snacking while you are drinking and making sure you have something to eat after. Food in your belly at any point is always helpful.
Drink water
Water helps with dehydration and also flushes toxins out through your system. It doesn’t speed up the process but it will support your liver and bodily system to ensure it is working as efficiently as possible. By drinking water you’re giving your body the tools it needs to help you.
Catching some z’s really is the best way to help you sober up. Sleeping allows your body to rest and it helps restore its ability to clear the alcohol from your system. The more hours you get, the better. When the liver has more time to do its job and metabolise the alcohol, the more sober you will feel because there will be less alcohol left in your system.
How do I know if I have a problem with alcohol?
As drinking alcohol is a socially acceptable pastime, it can be difficult to know if you have a problem and how to go about facing it. The first step is to be honest with yourself. Check in and answer some questions such as, Do you often find yourself intoxicated more than you would like? Is drinking interfering with other aspects of your life? Take this quiz to find out if you might have a problem with alcohol.
Counselling services are also a fantastic way to begin exploring where you are at. A counsellor will work with you to help you discover whether or not you have a problem with alcohol and, if you do, will provide you with support and strategies to address the issue and move forward.
Ways to get sober and reclaim your life.
The best way to avoid intoxication is, of course, not to drink. And, for some people, that can be easier said than done. Whether you’re struggling with alcohol use and finding drinking is negatively impacting your life and relationships, or if you’re just looking to avoid intoxication together, here are a few ways to help you get sober.
Counting drinks – to avoid becoming too intoxicated
First of all, if you think you might be an alcoholic, the best approach you can take is to seek help to stop drinking. If you are someone who can easily lose track of how much alcohol you have consumed, then counting drinks may help. Staying aware of how many drinks you have over a certain period of time can help you avoid intoxication. There are some great apps available for logging and monitoring your drinks and their impacts on your system. These tools can help to visualise each drink and the effects it has on your body. The apps provide you with an estimated BAC, including when you are likely to have a reading of 0.0 BAC.
Seek professional help
If you’re struggling with alcohol use, one of the most important steps towards sobriety is to ask for help. Rehab programs can provide you with the guidance, support, and treatment necessary to overcome addiction. Detox and withdrawal programs are there to support you through the detox phase. Addiction counselling can help with identifying triggers and support you to develop healthier coping mechanisms to deal with them. And, if you don’t have time for detox or rehab but really do feel like a program will help, there are outpatient programs too.
Build a support network
Recovery can be challenging, so it’s crucial to surround yourself with a strong support network. Connecting with support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can provide a safe space for you to connect with people who have been where you are, share your experiences and learn from others.
If you’re concerned about your own or someone you love’s alcohol use, help is available.