What is outpatient rehab?

Outpatient rehab is a versatile and effective treatment for substance use disorder, designed for people seeking recovery while maintaining their daily routines. For some, committing to a residential program is a challenge as they face barriers such as work, family responsibilities or financial constraints when seeking support and treatment.

Understanding outpatient rehab

Just as the name suggests, outpatient rehab provides treatment services for an individual suffering with substance use disorder (SUD), without requiring them to live within the treatment facility. Participants of the program attend scheduled sessions that include… while continuing to live at their home or supportive environment.

Flexible treatment for substance use disorder

Inpatient residential programs usually require a commitment to a minimum 28 day stay. Outpatient treatment programs offer an adaptable, effective approach that works within other life commitments and may only require 3 sessions a week for the duration of the program. The flexibility that outpatient programs provide is a major drawcard and invaluable for individuals who cannot take an extended hiatus from their day to day responsibilities; Be those professional, academic, or family related.

Outpatient program requirements

There are certain requirements that people need to meet when applying to participate in an outpatient program. These requirements vary depending on the program and facility.

Before enrolling in an outpatient program there is a comprehensive assessment that needs to be completed. This helps to determine the nature of the substance use disorder, its severity and the best route for effective treatment for the unique circumstance of each person. The assessment is done by a qualified professional and may include questionnaires, a phone chat, and other screening tools. .

Stable living environment:
A stable and supportive living environment is important for individuals seeking an outpatient program. This may involve access to safe housing, reliable transport, and a support network of friends/family who can encourage and assist throughout the treatment and recovery process.

Benefits of an outpatient SUD treatment program

Maintaining routine: Participants are able to uphold a regular routine. This may involve maintaining the routine for someone else – be that a child or other cared for person. Building upon an existing routine is beneficial in recovery and helps ensure a smooth transition between treatment and everyday life.

Personalised Treatment:
Outpatient programs are often tailored to suit an individual’s needs and ensure that they receive the support and treatment that will be most beneficial to them.

Community Support:
Being able to draw upon the support from one’s community can serve as a vital source of encouragement and accountability throughout the recovery process. Developing and/or maintaining these relationships and building upon them throughout the process form an invaluable part of the ongoing recovery journey.

Developing skills:
The essential life skills and coping mechanisms that people develop during an outpatient program are occurring within a real-world setting. Individuals will learn to navigate triggers, manage stressors, and cultivate healthy habits as they continue with their daily lives.

Is outpatient rehab right for you?

While there are numerous benefits of outpatient rehab, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals experiencing addiction that requires supervised detox, unstable living conditions, or co-occurring mental health disorders may require the structure and support of a residential program.

For someone who is seeking some additional support, flexibility, autonomy, and personalised support – an outpatient rehab program is an effective and empowering choice.
Find out more about the differences between inpatient or outpatient programs.

Outpatient programs can help bridge the gap between treatment and daily life. These programs empower an individual to seek the help they need without sacrificing their responsibilities or routines.

Why Wait? Reach Out Now!

Are you ready to take the next step toward recovery? Learn more about our outpatient treatment program and take the first step toward healing.